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AI in Education Bi-weekly Digest - Issue #2

AI in Education Bi-weekly Digest aims to aggregate the latest news and posts related to AI in education, making it easy for educators and students to stay informed.

We are thrilled to share that our kickstart webinar on March 10th was a success, with great support and insights from partners and student speakers. More details will be shared on our website once the materials are ready. Stay tuned for updates.


Events & Activities:

The Evolution of AI in Education - Dr Andy Chun, an adjunct professor from the City University of Hong Kong, will address an interesting question - "Will AI replace professors in the future?" - and discuss different aspects of AI in education in his seminar. Don't miss this opportunity to learn more from a seasoned AI practitioner.

Teaching with ChatGPT: Examples of Practice - The University of Kent will host a webinar about ChatGPT and its various use cases in higher education on March 15th at 14:00 (GMT). Although registration has closed, interested participants can still join by completing the form before the 14th.

News and Interviews:

Embrace new AI technology ChatGPT or regulate it? That is the question for Hong Kong special task force - The debate over ChatGPT has sparked extensive discussion in higher education. This news piece discusses the dilemma of adopting ChatGPT in Hong Kong.

No ban on students using AI tool ChatGPT for schoolwork, but ethical use will be taught: IB - The IB programmes in Singapore have given the green light for students to use ChatGPT for schoolwork, with a focus on ethical use. Click to read about the reasoning behind this decision.

Letting ChatGPT into the classroom could open doors to preparing teachers and students for the future - Despite concerns about ChatGPT in education, the writer suggests that we cannot ignore it, as we need to prepare students for a future that is already here.

Academics pinning hopes on HK as an AI research center - The first academic forum focusing on AI-Human held by Hong Kong Baptist University brought in world-renowned scholars to share some intellectually stimulating points.

China's 'two sessions' 2023: ChatGPT-like artificial intelligence is 'difficult to achieve', China's tech minister says - In a recent news piece, China's tech minister said that ChatGPT-like artificial intelligence is challenging to achieve, prompting questions about why ChatGPT was born in the US and not China, despite China's significant role in the AI field.

How AI could influence learning across subjects, while becoming a crucial one itself - The writer argues that AI in education is not a question of whether to embrace it or not, but rather an inevitable trend that will influence learning across subjects while becoming a crucial subject itself.

Articles & Blogs:

Harvard EdCast: Educating in a World of Artificial Intelligence - In this podcast from February, the point of how education can evolve to work with - rather than fight against - artificial intelligence is still relevant for educators.

Can AI write scholarly articles for us? - An exploratory journey with ChatGPT - This blog post from the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology explores one of the greatest concerns of educators in higher education: whether AI can write scholarly articles for us.

Navigating the Use of ChatGPT in Education - The blog points out that it is time for educators to start discussing AI language models, like ChatGPT, with students who will undoubtedly be shaped by these technologies.

ChatGPT: What The New York Times and others are getting terribly wrong about it - A blog post offers a different perspective on the claim from a New York Times writer claiming that he met the dark soul of the new Bing.

We employed ChatGPT as an ML Engineer for a day. This is what we learned. - Action speaks louder than words. This insightful sharing discusses the lessons learned from employing ChatGPT as an ML Engineer for a day.

Why did all of the public reproduction of GPT-3 fail? In which tasks should we use GPT-3.5/ChatGPT? - A more technical blog post attempts to answer the question of why all public reproductions of GPT-3 failed and in which tasks GPT-3.5/ChatGPT should be used.


Disclaimer: AI in Education has no affiliation with any highlighted free or commercial products in this section.

Build solutions faster with Microsoft Power Platform and next-generation AI - AI will never be for the geeks only. Microsoft is advocating low code for organizations, and showing its commitment with its new platform.

ClickPrompt - "Prompt-engineering" is the newly coined term. ClickPrompt is one such engineering tool to help generate effective prompts.

Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed in the linked posts are those of the speakers and or their entities and do not necessarily reflect the views or positions of the project AI in Education, Centre for Learning Enhancement And Research, and The Chinese University of Hong Kong.

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